          Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023

          Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023

          The year 2023 was a difficult year for our company. Inflation remained at a high level, the geopolitical situation was and continues to be very unstable. Demand on the market stayed at a low level as a result of these circumstances and uncertainty in the business environment. Even in this challenging environment we were able …mehr

          Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022

          Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022

          We will all remember 2022 for a long time and it will certainly become a historically significant year. In addition to all the accumulated problems with the prices and availability of raw materials, rising energy prices and growing inflation following the two-year period of Covid, Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and started a military …mehr

          Wir feiern den 2. Platz im Sodexo-Wettbewerb Arbeitgeber des Jahres 2023

          Wir feiern den 2. Platz im Sodexo-Wettbewerb Arbeitgeber des Jahres 2023

          Fatra gewann den 2. Platz im prestigeträchtigen Wettbewerb Arbeitgeber des Jahres 2023 in der Kategorie „Arbeitgeber der Region bis 5 000 Mitarbeiter des Bezirks Zlín“. Die Firma Fatra, a. s., war in dem vom Klub der Arbeitgeber ausgerichteten Wettbewerb erfolgreich und erhielt eine Würdigung als Arbeitgeber in der Region Zlín. Wie der Veranstalter sagt, richtet sich dieser …mehr

          Fatra hilft der Ukraine  

          Fatra hilft der Ukraine  

          Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine hat uns alle überrascht, mit seiner Brutalität geschockt und durch seine territoriale Nähe bedroht. Auf die russische Aggression reagierte die Welt, einschließlich Tschechiens, mit einer nie dagewesenen Solidarität und Freigiebigkeit. Die Ukraine führt einen Kampf für uns alle und jeder, der ein Herz hat, versucht, auf irgendeine Weise zu helfen …mehr

          Fatra is actively helping during the time of coronavirus

          Fatra is actively helping during the time of coronavirus

          Despite the unfavourable conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Fatra is still looking for ways to help those around it. The greatest at-risk groups today include individuals with weakened immunity. As such, we have decided to help the Senior Citizens’ Home in Napajedla and The Palliative and Hospice Care Institute in Uherské Hradiště. Material assistance …mehr

          Neue Webseite für SPRITZGUSS

          Neue Webseite für SPRITZGUSS

          Um das Auffinden unserer Produkte und Leistungen zu erleichtern, generieren wir Webseiten für die einzelnen Segmente unserer Produktion. Diesmal konzentrieren wir uns auf Spritzgißen und Spritzgussprodukte. Wir erreichen so eine bessere Orientierung auf unseren Internetseiten. Auf jeder Seite befindet sich eine Beschreibung der jeweiligen Produktion, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für Endprodukte sowie Informationen über Leistungen und Informationen über …mehr

          Fatra at fair FachPack 2018

          Fatra at fair FachPack 2018

          Our company will attend for the third time the fair FachPack 2018 in Nürnberg – in days: on 25 – 27 September 2018. To visitors of the fair, we would like to introduce: BOPET packaging and technical films and laminates Polypropylene plastic profiles for multiway cartonplast boxes. …mehr

          Waste use – a challenge for the 21st century

          Waste use – a challenge for the 21st century

          Waste is not only a complication, but also possible source of secondary by-products. By minimising waste, we contribute to both a lower ecological burden and the better economy of the company. Our objective is to reduce waste volume and reuse to the maximum extent those materials that are considered non-recyclable. For example, waste containing PVC …mehr

          Companies do not collect awards and certificates on a whim only. The health of our customers is also at stake

          Companies do not collect awards and certificates on a whim only. The health of our customers is also at stake

          These days, virtually all manufacturers boast about certificates, compliance with ISO standards and various types of awards won. This is not however not just a plain self-satisfaction on the part of companies. Production improvements, implementation of standards for the management of and approach to the environment, increasing product safety – all that takes hours, considerable …mehr

          Quality is like your reputation. It builds up gradually and over a long time, but you can lose it in a moment

          Quality is like your reputation. It builds up gradually and over a long time, but you can lose it in a moment

          QUALITY IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS There are two types of companies: those insisting on quantity and those taking quality as a key factor in their success. Fatra is quite clear about this. Although the company has the capacity to generate more than 3.5 bn in annual revenue, it puts great stress on quality, which …mehr